Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I love snow!!! I would love to have a blizzard!!! Because I like to sleigh ride...I like the serenity of going outside and hearing the quietness...seeing the purity of the snow...Heck, I even like snow cream...So, there's nothing much about snow that I don't like...

It snowed on Thursday...I slept late..but the kids went on outside and started playing. Thier Aunt Lacey saw them and came over and joined them...they sleigh rode for about 3-4 hours!!! Here is a few pictures when they were getting out of thier wet clothes.

Can you believe how red her feet are!!!! She has just taken off wet socks and was fixing to step into the house when I took this picture...

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