Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Monday, January 14, 2008

Funny stuff...

I was laughing at something I read online and wanted to start sharing the incidents that are quite humorous in my here goes funny story number 1.

As you know, I worked in a nursing home and God love thier hearts, when they are crazy, they are soo funny! You just can't be hateful and work there, cause some Alzheimer's patient will totally crack you up...Well, I want to introduce to you a Sunday School teacher...a lady who was very respected in the community...when she got old, she started cussing better than any sailor...using God D__ and Hell and SH-- and A-S...well, needless to say, this embarrassed her husband to death. She would even get violent sometimes, just cussing you up one side and down the, mind you, her voice was very high pitched and keen... so you could hear her all over the wing. One day,she was cussing and mad and a male nurse, whom I won't mention the name of (T-m) hid behind her curtain...started calling her name in a deep voice...acting like God. She said "who is it..."
"this is God"
"Where are you?"
"Quit that cussing"
"What" as she shrinks down as if KNOWING she is doing "wrong" too funny...
The conversation continues till she gets mad and starts cussing much for trying to teach her a lesson...
This same little lady walked out into the hallway with her hospital gown on backwards, naked underneath, and stops in the middle and looks down and says...god da__ my kidneys have hair on them"
I still laugh about that!!!!

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