Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I am not lucky...yeah, that's an easier way to say it...but I am totally time has passed and I have actually went and looked at my van, I seem to get sicker and sicker each time I think of how blessed I am...The pictures on the cell phones didn't do justice to how my van really looked....oh made me wonder myself how in the world I wasn't paralyzed or brain dead at the, no, I won't be posting pictures here..I don't feel that is something I want to remember..maybe later, when I can deal better...
I drove today for the first time...went to the ortho doc and he put me in a sling that holds both my shoulders back in order to keep the collar bone in alignment so it can heal straight...only problem is...and don't laugh....I forget and use my left arm sometime and I remember real quick! I cannot pick up a glass plate with pizza on it...I can barely pick up a coffee cup with milk in, back to the driving, it wasn't as bad as I thought, although all I did think about while I was on the road was safety...imagine that!!!!
We don't know why things happen, but let me tell you what had came out of this....and yes, for all you medical workers, I am quite frustrated with the order to go to the ortho, I had to go back to Laughlin ER to get my they gave me a CD with the results and films on it...of course I stuck it in my computer and spent some time looking at the actual xrays...then I figured out how to actually open the radiologist report...the shoulder CT scan said...."a 5mm nodular density is seen on the left lung" and basically that a follow up CT scan should be done in 3 months to re-eval...or in layman's see if there are any see if it grew...
(well, nurses know just enough to be yes, I'm freaked...)but do you know that i have yet to this day, 7 days later, to hear anyone actually tell me this! If I hadn't put this in my computer, then what? how would I know this? The ortho doc looked at my xrays...who knows whether he looked at the report or not...but shouldn't someone be in charge of notifying me of this??? I know, I know, it is probably nothing, but geez..I would like for a medical person to actually acknowledge the fact that I should have a CT done about August....
And while I'm chatty, I might as well go ahead and say that the last 2 days have been hard...I miss Tom so much...Morgan told me to "get over it" ... I tried to explain to her that her Daddy was my whole life...I am still praying that God will take the feelings I can have some peace...I'm not even hormonal...I feel like I have learned so many lessons...ok, enough about that..
Lukas got an award at school for having all A's all year long...actually, I think he has had all A's since he has been in Mama's proud....
He also will have his art displayed at Fort Henry Mall this summer...probably the ones I posted earlier...Man, I'm so proud to be his momma!!!! He thinks its exciting that he has learned to weed eat...heck, I'm excited he can do it too....I love to mow, but hate weed eating!!! LOL
I'm signing off....

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