Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Catching up...

Been a while since I posted...too warm and pretty outside for me to stay inside...but wanted to take a moment to brag on my children...yes, they are most precious and I can't even thank God enough for giving them to me. I know everyone thinks their children are the most special, but I really can't imagine how they can be as special as mine...
I always said I could never be a single Mom..and I still believe that if my children were younger, that I couldn't do...maybe that is because Tom was a active Father in their life and did help me with any issue with them... My children are older and able to take care of themself, basically, so I believe that is what God knew before putting me thru this situation. I am working at the Nursing Home this summer and my shifts are shift, evenings, nights, often, I am not home to be able to do everything a Mom should...Morgan has done a wonderful job at keeping that house, mind you, she is hormonal, which brings out the "cleaner" in her, but she did deep clean and took curtains down and washed them, washed the shower curtain, dusted baseboards, etc...see...I told you she was awesome...but that is not the half of it...
She decided she wanted to cook I had to work graveyard on Tues. I went to bed about 2pm until 6:00pm...when I awoke, she had baked chicken with a special sauce, garlic bread and smashed red potatoes...WOW....very good food!!!!!! She and Lukas had cooked the food while I was asleep and the best part, it was coming out of the oven just at 6pm...I really am bursting with pride....
Lukas has been helping me mow and weedeat the yard...he loves to mow and since I have about 1/2 acre to mow, this helps tremendously....I'm just so blessed to have them.
I am doing better with my injuries...still like to stand alot to rest my coccyx...wearing my figure 8 brace totally makes my collar bone feel better..can lift my purse with my left arm now...
There is a nurse at work who wrecked last week and flipped her vehicle 3 times...She was still in ICU after 4 days with a chest tube...I got cold chills and the hairs stood up on my arms when I was told this...That really shoudl have been me...I am still feeling trememdously blessed...

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