Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Monday, October 20, 2008

CroptoberFest/Scrapbooking weekend

My scrapping weekend! How great it was to go and get some stress relief...I feel so much better and able to deal a little better. Is that bad? I hope not! This was my ninth year!!! I can't believer that it has been that long...I have created some great friendships and in some ways, I can be more myself with them, cause I don't have any expectations to live up to...does that make sense? There are 4 other ladies there that are named Sherry...I will tell you that story later, when I have my camera to post the picture. I got 15 pages done, I think...I also found a machine I MUST have...and since it cost way too much money I guess I will have to just dream about one and one day maybe I can get it...when my rich uncle gets out of the poor house...LOL
Croptoberfest is at a baptist youth camp, named as Camp BaYoCa, hence the first two letters of baptist youth camp...and it is in the mountains of Wears phone phone period in the area where we stay...we stay in bunkhouses that have 8 bunks in each side...bathroom with two showers and stalls... then we scrap in the dining hall...we just basically leave our stuff out all weekend and scrap as we want to all weekend...we borry other tools and ideas from everyone else...demos from other people are cool too...
so anyway, here are some pictures of layouts I done at the fest... the first one is a two page spread of Jaida on this last Easter... it was still kinda nippy, hence the jacket...

1 comment:

Julia said...

Your line "I can be more myself with them, cause I don't have any expectations to live up to" is a perfect summary of CTF. Love you bunches. Send me a update when you get a chance. Know that you are being prayed for extra.
You are loved.