new job???
Current mood: giddy
Well, I sure got the surprise of my week..I got a job offer at the school system...
The job is mine if I want it and all I have to do is call in the mornign and accept the position. Okay, so how do I feel about this?
I am taking a pay cut...but money isn't everything. I will be working the school hours...which is really good being that I have 2 children that really need school attention and mommy attention and family attention and spiritual attention. So, the more I think about it, and get over the shock, I am kinda getting excited.
To start at the beginning, when I applied for this job, I really didn't seem too excited and got really worried about what to do...the pay cut really bothered me....but I decided that since I didn't wantt to sit and worry all weekend, I would just turn it over to God and let him handle it...if they called, they did and if they didn't, well, no biggie! Well, when they called tonight, I was just kinda in much that the lady said..."is there something wrong", i said...but I will call you in the morning...then of course I went and freaked out on Tom LOL
Well, anyway, I'll keep you posted... i love the part about it being 7:45-2:45 and getting to come home...I love the part of working with the children....I love the part about being able to come home and try to work that thing that has 4 round things on top of it sitting in my kitchen..cause I won't be so tired LOL
WEll, we'll see...
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