IV and stuff...
Current mood: calm
Okay, so the other day at work, I needed to start an IV on a big tall black man...he had brought his brother to the appointment with him...now, the paitent was really sick and I guessed brother was just coming to be of support, but I learned it was for another reason...he had a medical background...although I thought it was a pharmacist...
Well, I am not that great at starting IV's, cause I only start one per month at the most and so that means I have only started about 8 IV's in the past 8 years...so here I am searching and feeling over the arm with the tourniquet in place and finally find where I want to stick...brother is sitting in chair...I am okay...I stick patient, no blood return...keep on digging....nothing...feel like I am in the vien 2 or 3 times...Brother gets up and comes over to bed...starts feeling other arm as he can see I am having problems..I am still okay, cause I think, well, a pharmacist doesn't have as much experience as I do...still no luck, so I pull the needle out to try again...
Dr. comes in room...says to brother..."well, I guess you could start the IV with your eyes closed..." I look up..."why" I say...well,I am an RN in a burn unit...now, people with no medical background, let me tell you what burn victims do...they loose fluid, so they are literally the hardest to start an IV on, cause they are barely circulating fluid in blood....my jaw drops....
Well, after MD leaves room, I decided to let volunteer brother...patient agrees this is okay..so brother gloves up, gets needle and sticks...and guess what.? NO blood return...AND,,,no luck getting any!!!! he tried digging around, but nothing!!! he had to pull out too...well, of course I am feeling alot better by now, not thinking things could get worse....
I do go ahead with the next stick and start the IV...I get it in the bend of his arm, where most people have huge viens...but you don't want to start an IV there normally, cause then they can't bend thier arm without occluding IV...but as I ws standing up from starting it..the brother says...."WELL, I GIVE YOU AN A+." I just look at him...and he continues" CAUSE I AM AN INSTRUCTOR AND I HAVE TO TRAIN STUDENTS AND WATCH STUDENTS START IV'S ALL THE TIME..."
how funny, I am reading this over a year later...and I had forgot this!!!! See, that's why everyone should keep a blog!!!!! right???
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