I then took some photographs of Tom's nieces...Kandise, who is in college at Memphis, Sierra who is in 8th grade and Sadie who is a Junior at high school. I think they are beautiful.

Life does not consist mainly--or even largely--of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever blowing through one's head.--Mark Twain =================++++++++++++++++++++================= Sometimes, I wonder just how crazy my mind works...then I wonder if everyone thinks the way I do...They probably do, they are just ashamed to admit it...so here are a few of my thoughts to either make you laugh, cry or just wonder...
I am sitting here at work, so sleepy, I can barely function. I attended my 8th Croptoberfest this past weekend. We got home at 3pm, and I went to bed and slept till 8:00 last night, woke up to see the family, then went back to bed at 11:30 and slept all night. I felt like I could have slept all day long this morning.
As usual, we had a blast and I felt sad to leave. I have come to know most of the gals there like family. It is so good to catch up on their lives and share joys, disappointments and trials with each of them that they have gone thru over the past year. We do get to see how their kids have grown and get to share motherly advice on raising them. We always like to reminisce about past years and the things that happened. Like the night the lights went out for 2 hours right after 9-11. I just knew terrorist had come to the mountain to kill us all… I think that bonfire meeting made us all cry just being thankful to live in America.
I just think it is so awesome how ladies from all over the state got on a yahoo group along time ago and now are just very good friends. People cringe sometime when I say, yeah, I met these ladies on the internet. But they have no idea how much it means to get away from family, job, phone, internet, clocks, husbands, etc. It is just one awesome experience…I love it!
Can't wait till next year, cause it will be the 10th anniversary of CTF.
IV and stuff...
Current mood: calm
Okay, so the other day at work, I needed to start an IV on a big tall black man...he had brought his brother to the appointment with him...now, the paitent was really sick and I guessed brother was just coming to be of support, but I learned it was for another reason...he had a medical background...although I thought it was a pharmacist...
Well, I am not that great at starting IV's, cause I only start one per month at the most and so that means I have only started about 8 IV's in the past 8 years...so here I am searching and feeling over the arm with the tourniquet in place and finally find where I want to stick...brother is sitting in chair...I am okay...I stick patient, no blood return...keep on digging....nothing...feel like I am in the vien 2 or 3 times...Brother gets up and comes over to bed...starts feeling other arm as he can see I am having problems..I am still okay, cause I think, well, a pharmacist doesn't have as much experience as I do...still no luck, so I pull the needle out to try again...
Dr. comes in room...says to brother..."well, I guess you could start the IV with your eyes closed..." I look up..."why" I say...well,I am an RN in a burn unit...now, people with no medical background, let me tell you what burn victims do...they loose fluid, so they are literally the hardest to start an IV on, cause they are barely circulating fluid in blood....my jaw drops....
Well, after MD leaves room, I decided to let volunteer brother...patient agrees this is okay..so brother gloves up, gets needle and sticks...and guess what.? NO blood return...AND,,,no luck getting any!!!! he tried digging around, but nothing!!! he had to pull out too...well, of course I am feeling alot better by now, not thinking things could get worse....
I do go ahead with the next stick and start the IV...I get it in the bend of his arm, where most people have huge viens...but you don't want to start an IV there normally, cause then they can't bend thier arm without occluding IV...but as I ws standing up from starting it..the brother says...."WELL, I GIVE YOU AN A+." I just look at him...and he continues" CAUSE I AM AN INSTRUCTOR AND I HAVE TO TRAIN STUDENTS AND WATCH STUDENTS START IV'S ALL THE TIME..."
new job???
Current mood: giddy
Well, I sure got the surprise of my week..I got a job offer at the school system...
The job is mine if I want it and all I have to do is call in the mornign and accept the position. Okay, so how do I feel about this?
I am taking a pay cut...but money isn't everything. I will be working the school hours...which is really good being that I have 2 children that really need school attention and mommy attention and family attention and spiritual attention. So, the more I think about it, and get over the shock, I am kinda getting excited.
To start at the beginning, when I applied for this job, I really didn't seem too excited and got really worried about what to do...the pay cut really bothered me....but I decided that since I didn't wantt to sit and worry all weekend, I would just turn it over to God and let him handle it...if they called, they did and if they didn't, well, no biggie! Well, when they called tonight, I was just kinda in shock..so much that the lady said..."is there something wrong"....no, i said...but I will call you in the morning...then of course I went and freaked out on Tom LOL
Well, anyway, I'll keep you posted... i love the part about it being 7:45-2:45 and getting to come home...I love the part of working with the children....I love the part about being able to come home and try to work that thing that has 4 round things on top of it sitting in my kitchen..cause I won't be so tired LOL
WEll, we'll see...