It has been a while since I posted...I am so busy with summer...I love summer and try to do something outside every day...I have even been taking my lunch breaks outside in the middle of the night on the swing in the awesome..and the storms...I love long as they don't cause any damage... :)
My storm rages on...I actually looked up last night and said, God, how much more can I take??? But this morning, I turned on the TV...which I NEVER do on Sunday morning...and was flipping thru trying to find some song to satisfy my troubled heart...and it was on Gaither Homecoming...the Crabb Family singing..."Through the Fire"...and at that moment, it became my motto for are some of the words...
HE never promised that the cross would not get heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb...HE never offered victory without fighting, but HE said help would always come in time...Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision and the advisary says Give in....Just hold on...Our Lord will show up and HE will take you thru the fire again!!!!!!
I once again was in awe at how God shows up and takes our burdens upon himself...he carried me today as well as my burden...I wish for one minute that I could put into words what God has really proved to me over the past 10 months...and I am sorry enough to still have doubts..and fears and such...he keeps showing up...time after time..and the most precious the manna for the children of Isreal, He only gives me enough to get thru till the next battle...
I read a verse on Facebook that reminded me that David said..."weeping endureth for the night...but Joy comes in the morning..." My morning is coming...God continues to remind me of this time after time...HE IS EVER FAITHFUL...
I do want to encourage everyone to go read Isaiah 6...I heard a really good message on this and the part that stuck out to me was the praise that "moved the doorpost"...My interpretation of that is that the praise was so great, that is shook the house...I want my church to be that way...I want my children to grow up in a church where the smoke actually fills the santuary...I have saw this before...How strong is your praise?
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