Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Farm Day

One of the perks to being a school nurse is getting to go on field trips when the student you are in charge of goes...One of my students is in 3rd grade and has no physical disabilities...she just wears an insulin Farm Day, I get to wander around and take all kinds of here goes...This was our first stop on a wagon ride. He was from UT and this plant sitting in front of him, can you guess what it is?? I had no idea...looks like monkey grass to me....LOL
This was the next stop...and here, we saw a cow in a holding chute and lots of equipment and long arm gloves...I was sure hoping we were gonna get to see an artificial insemination...LOL
but now that I look back, that probably WAS too young a subject for third graders...As you can see, we are looking at an ultrasound of a cow who is about 5 months into pregnancy. pretty cool, huh?
Oh if you didn't know the plant mentioned above, it is a wheat plant....

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