My life has been so busy in the past 7 months that I hardly have time to breath...I am gonna start my last semester for my RN degree in 13 days and I will graduate in May. As a single mom with an uninvolved father, I have to do all the running for my two children, one in ball, one in high school...I am working two part time jobs and goin to school 3 days a week, not to mention trying to attend church 3 services a week. One day a couple weeks ago, I spent substantial amounts of time in 3 different cities in East yes, I'm busy...that's not including keeping the house clean, the clothes washed, (the kids help, Thank God) and all the other routine upkeep to life...trying to pray, study the Bible, study homework, and still have time to take a shower, eat and get at least 7 hours of sleep a night...yep, I'm busy...Now is there any question? I still have to try to spend quality time with the kids, whether it be taking them to eat or watching one of our fav tv shows with them...and Lukas's basketball games haven't even started!!! UGH! yep, I'm busy