Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mom's Flower Garden

My mother is a flower fanatic...but she only likes the ones that comes back year after year...oh, and they have to be simple...require no care... you just gotta know Mom...anyway, I would love to have a garden like this...despite me hinting several times for her to transplant to mine...I might get one new plant a year...and it likely gets mowed down by Lukas...or even weedeated (is that a word?) by Mom when she decides to weedeat my whole entire property...(yeah, cause I don't have time...playing single mom card here...) and she forgets that she gave it to me and it is just a "messy weeed" that needs destroyed....Anyway, the point...Morgan went over one morning and took some pictures...just for the fun of it...and I put them into a turned out really beautiful!!! (Morgan is getting good at this photography thing...)