Blogged this Friday night, but didn't have internet access...
I have said over and over that thru all this mess that I now call my Life, that God has been there over and over for me. Today, I experienced that once again.
I boldly made a statement to a friend that I no longer felt a burden to pray for a certain overwhelming problem of mine… well, because I felt it was gonna be taken care of…I felt peace about the whole situation that was a “new peace” you know, the peace that says to you that God is gonna take care of it and it’s okay…well, low and behold, within 2 hours of verbalizing about that, satan was there to try and get me upset. Imagine that??!!! LOL
I immediately got sick to my stomach…but then got control of myself in the next few seconds…not wanting to let satan have an inch…but you know how it is…as long as you are talking to someone about being strong, you are…, right?? But as soon as you are alone, those thoughts start running thru your mind again. So I am on an hour road trip and I have a chance to have a couple conversations…with God, myself and satan. I started thinking about how God has brought me thus far, and how there is no way I can say that God wants me to give up…I said, devil, you can’t stop God’s plan, I don’t care what you do, or how much you target me… you might as well get thee behind me!!!!!! I turned on the CD player and the song was on, “Too much to gain to loose” …It totally blessed me and I played it like about 4 times in a row…I thought how that, yes, I have carried a burden for awhile, but that’s okay, I’m not only learning as a Christian, but I’m growing too…I thought how that God knows how bad that I want his will…and that with my past experience, God can take the desire of my heart away if it is not his will… so, then the next song was “It is Well” (not the old version) but the one about the story in the Bible of the son of a Shuman woman who dies and as she is on the way to get the Man of God (Elijah), they ask her how she is and even though her son is dead, she answers, it is well… So no matter what is going on in my life, it is well… So by this time, I am really rejoicing in His spirit… the sweet comfort of the Holy Spirit got in the car with me…
At church, as I sit in the pew, I am just glad to be there…glad that I can focus my mind on something other than anatomy and cells and bones… LOL. It gets even sweeter when church starts…I am so blessed just being there…just being able to focus on God…yes, I have not been able to focus much on His word this past week…School is eating up all my brain cells. LOL So it was sooo refreshing to just tune it all out and focus on God…
Now, truly, this was enough for me…God could have stopped right there and that would have been enough for me…but MY God goes above and beyond what we can ever think or ask…during the preaching tonight, the last point of the message about the fisherman on the sea, was how that Jesus directed them to a specific place…Our prayers should not be generalized…but specific…not “Lord, help my neighbors to get saved, but Lord, help me witness to Mr. Jones…” etc… but I was taken back to the time about 8 months ago, when on my way to school, God showed me to quit just praying generically for His will, but to ask for what I wanted. I was bawling by the time I got to school, just mostly rejoicing that God had shown me to be specific…God showed me numerous people in the Bible who ask for exactly what they needed. Hannah ask for a son..yeah, they thought she was crazy, but she approached God boldly…Esther approached the King boldly….He even tells us to come boldly before the throne of grace…so that morning, 8 months ago, I approached the throne and took my petition before God.
Now, to bring all this together…after the attack from satan today, I was feeling really doubtful as to what God’s plan was…was I following the right path…which way should I go…etc…God gave me peace in the car while driving…and to be honest, that was enough…But…tonight, in the message, God reminded me of the time he wanted me to be specific about my need. And the sweet peace was one again overwhelming…does that make sense? Can you have so much peace, you are overwhelmed? LOL I am just amazed at what God does for me…
I couldn’t thank God enough for just these little things…I like to blog about them, cause sometimes, going back and reading them is a good way to put satan on the move…LOL and to be honest… I’m not a writer…I can’t write and make you feel it in your soul…I wish I could…but like the song…it’s a joy “unspeakable”