Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hourglass Figure

Wanna hear another Lukas story..? Well, we are in Sears shopping for school clothes and I see one of those long halter like sundresses that are so popular right now...I am looking at them and saw one that was my size and say to Lukas, "Oh, Lukas, here is a pretty one and it is my size..." Not really expecting a response, he piped up and said..."Mom, those dresses are for women who have hourglass figures................yours is kinda a pumpkin figure...
Trust him to tell me the truth...needless to say, the dress never left the rack.

We were talking about girls on the way home last night from church and I commented that "she was a little wild thing"...he said...yeah, Mom, I like them kinda wild....!!!!!!

Raising a son is gonna absolutely kill me!!!!! I don't know which is worse, a son or a daughter...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Lover is at it again...

Lukas all of a sudden told me and Morgan that he had a girlfriend...
"Already?" I said...
"Yeah," he replied..."I work fast."
Need I say more??? Then later, he proceeds to tell me that a girl who moved away last year and came back this year told her girlfriend that she was gonna "get Lukas, no matter what!!!"
Wow...maybe I shouldn't be worried about Morgan, and start worrying about Lukas....
Kids are so funny...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Speeding Ticket Woes...

So I am unaware of an upcoming attack from Satan yesterday just going along, having a decent day...but about 3pm, satan starts to bother me and cause me to get so mad at one particular person and then I want to cry, but I hold a girlfriend and tell her all about it and feel better...hey,at least I didn't I realize in my conversation to her that it is just the devil and he knows how to get I rebuke him and go home, try to take a nap before I drive to church, ( cause I am the world's worst for falling asleep while driving...) I can't get to sleep just doze...then head to church...well...guess what...satan isn't done with me yet...I pass a cop on the interstate going 69 in a 55 cause I was in Johnson City city limits...I knew he had me...and fairly, I wasn't mad, causeI knew I deserved it. I just sat there and prayed while he had my drivers liscense. Lord, just have your will...I know I deserve this...
He came back to the car, laughed and cracked a joke (which was really wierd for me...I mean, he's fixing to give me a ticket and he wants me to laugh with him??? whatever!!!!) but then he said...I'm just gonna give you a warning....Oh My!!!! Praise the Lord...I mean, wow!!! I drove off feeling really blessed..I mean tremendously blessed...satan had once again lost a battle... God is so good to take care of me... Just feeling blessed...and I didn't even deserve to be!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My children on first day of school...

Here is Morgan on the first day of school at RMS...going into 8th grade....And Lukas going into 4th grade at HES...he's really enthused....

the Whole Armor

I am so blessed to have a daughter like Morgan... As she was getting ready for school yesterday morning, (her first day) she came downstairs and said, "Momma, I have on my helmet of salvation, my breastplate of righteousness, my loins girt about with truth, my sword is in my backpack, and my feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel...." I mean, wow...what a better way to send her off to the first day of 8th grade...I totally don't deserve to have her as a daughter.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Welcome Back!!! LOL

Hey...I know, it has been several months since I have blogged and I am back at school now, and will basically be, I will have nothing better to do but to share my crazy yes, I am recovered from my car accident...I still am having trouble sitting on my coccyx this morning in this chair, but other than that, I am doing fine...occasional huge muscle cramp in the side of my broken collar bone, and it(my arm) will get numb usually 1-2 times per day according to the way I am holding it...but nothing I am still blessed....anyway, I have lots to blog about, so you'll be hearing alot from me.... :)