Five to Six mornings ago, I kept hearing a noise outside my window. There is a tree branch there and on two mornings, I actually went to the window, tried to see the branch that was obviously scraping against my window. But both times I checked, there was no branch..but the noise only happened a few times so no big deal, right??
Well, in the last 4 days, I found out that it is a bird landing on the is the weight of the bird making the branch scrape my window? still couldn't find no place where it was touching, but I vowed to myself I would cut the branch...just in case I was missing it...The noise got worse and more the point that it woke me up on Saturday morning, and on Sunday Morning, woke me up at 6:40am!!! I was irate!!!!! So I stood and watched...a red bird was sitting on a branch and all of a sudden would fly into the window....SMACK!!! The kids tell me that it is also doing it in the living room and foyer window...they call it the retarded red bird...we even explored the possibility that it could be blind..I mean, what bird would intentionally fly into something...don't they have a radar against such things...well, maybe it couldn't see it...??? I am confused, but I do know one thing..I have to stop the bird, cause I have to work graveyard for 4 days this week and I will need to be sleeping...So this morning, I send Tom on a mission...go kill the I know, I know, I am not a person who is intentionally trying to kill animals or birds, but this bird needs to be put out of its misery..I mean, something is definitely wrong with it, right??? I hear a gun shot and later he says he wasn't shooting "at it" (yeah, whatever...isn't that what all men say when they miss....)LOL
I even get on the web, look up the bird...he is red all over...has an orange bill and a black mask....yeah it is a Northern Cardinal...doesn't say nothing about them being mentally challenged, though...Tom laughs at me for looking it up on the web...
I go to church, ask a bird lover, also ask a vet one knows anything...
So, tonight after church, I go to my parents house and mention it to them...they tell me that it is a superstition that someone is going to die in that house...okay, so that is freaky!!!!! Who is gonna die??? Me, Tom, Lukas or Morgan....???He then tells a story about my neighbor who's grandmother passed away in the last couple of years and there was a red bird that pecked on their window...Well, naturally, Morgan freaked out when I got her in bed and started bawling, swearing that it is Tom that is gonna die on his flight to Wisconsin on the 10th...(another story) but anyway, I calm her down and look on the web...All I can find is that there is no superstition....
I Do find out that a red bird is very territorial. Your typical Red birds that you see are male...(the female has more brown in her feathers...)So this is definitely a male and I find out that alot of people have them pecking on their windows...they see their reflection, think it is another bird, and is trying to fight it...makes total it said to tape a white paper to the window, so it can't see it's reflection and that would be all it would that is done...let's see if it works!!!!