Life does not consist mainly--or even largely--of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever blowing through one's head.--Mark Twain =================++++++++++++++++++++================= Sometimes, I wonder just how crazy my mind works...then I wonder if everyone thinks the way I do...They probably do, they are just ashamed to admit here are a few of my thoughts to either make you laugh, cry or just wonder...
Psalms 61;2b
When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I
Monday, April 21, 2008
My Pet Peeve!!! A Sorry ER Doctor
I am gonna gripe here...cause I know enough about the subject to be able to do it!!!!
Tom's leg looks awful and will leave a huge scar! Why? Because an ER Dr. is not concerned about what something looks like, just that they get you in and out. The funny part is, they weren't busy...too many people were sitting around...I did drop some hints...but it didn't help. As he went to sew Tom up, I dropped a few hints saying, "now I've seen good sutures and I've seen do a good job..." Well, when he pulled out a huge suture needle, I knew we were in trouble...First of all, he didn't do any tissue release. He should have went up under the edges of the cut and released the tissue so that when he went to pull the edges together, there wouldn't be so much pressure against it...It wasn't cleaned like it should have been... He put about 9 sutures in Tom's leg, and truly, it should have had about 20-30. He said he wanted it to drain...well, I have seen nasty, nasty cuts that were sown right and they looked almost perfect when sown need for drainage cause they were cleaned good...A previous Dr. that I worked for did an awesome job at suturing and no one else that I have seen has done such a good that is why I am so picky...and I hate sloppy work....
Tom's leg looks awful and will leave a huge scar! Why? Because an ER Dr. is not concerned about what something looks like, just that they get you in and out. The funny part is, they weren't busy...too many people were sitting around...I did drop some hints...but it didn't help. As he went to sew Tom up, I dropped a few hints saying, "now I've seen good sutures and I've seen do a good job..." Well, when he pulled out a huge suture needle, I knew we were in trouble...First of all, he didn't do any tissue release. He should have went up under the edges of the cut and released the tissue so that when he went to pull the edges together, there wouldn't be so much pressure against it...It wasn't cleaned like it should have been... He put about 9 sutures in Tom's leg, and truly, it should have had about 20-30. He said he wanted it to drain...well, I have seen nasty, nasty cuts that were sown right and they looked almost perfect when sown need for drainage cause they were cleaned good...A previous Dr. that I worked for did an awesome job at suturing and no one else that I have seen has done such a good that is why I am so picky...and I hate sloppy work....
A funny Nursing home story...
I am just amazed sometimes at the sense of humor some of the residents have and this lady in particular should have been a comedian. She is always coming up with the funniest comments and sayings and she is confused, but not confused enough that she can't crack anyway, she came rolling in her wheelchair up to the desk and said, "I just want to tell you that my hind end is hurting so feels like I am sitting on my brains..." Then she proceeds to look over the side of her wheelchair and says " I surely undoubtedly am not sitting upside down!!!" By this time, I am laughing very hard!!! and then she continues..."If this is what it feels like to go to an a** kicking, I don't want to go!"
Oh, well, guess you had to be there...
Oh, well, guess you had to be there...
Pressure, pressure...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tom update...
Tom went back to work today, he was quiet a bit of pain on Sunday and Monday...They say the third day is the worst, so I hope he does okay today.... But anyway, it is swelling some and pulling the sutures is also got some redness around I am concerned about infection...But, overall, he is doing better...Thank Goodness...I told him I was gonna put him in the nursing home if he didn't straighten up!!!!! LOL
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tennesse Chain Saw Massacre..well, not really...
I worked graveyard on Friday night at the nursing home. I had just gotten up about 3:30 pm on Satuday and was coming out of the bathroom, when Lukas came hollering..."Mom, come NOW, Daddy cut himself with a chain saw." So I ran outside, Tom is on the ground holding pressure on his leg...right above the knee. I can't really see how bad it is, cause of blue jeans...I yell for the kids to start getting me scissors, to cut jeans off, water and wet cloth, to clean it to see what is going on, pain medicine for him to go ahead and get it in his system... The scissors were so dull, I could harldly cut the jeans, they brought me a cloth with some water in a pickle jar (HOW was I supposed to get the cloth in that little bitty hole??) and of course when I got it cleaned off, he needed to go to the ER. So, I brushed my teeth while finding shoes, I didn't even comb my hair...but, hey, it was an emergency, right??? Luckily, Teresa was at the ER working, she was the nursign supervisor at the office job I had about 2 years ago. It always makes you feel more comfortable to see someone you know and have them taking care of ya!
The PA asked the kids to step out...they wanted to stay and I asked and he said long as they didn't mind being grossed out...I warned the Morgan and Lukas that if they felt any bit sick or woozy, to let me know...I also told them if I said sit down, for them to sit down right in the floor...I was gonna make sure I didn't see any white lips, pale faces, etc. They both did fine...Lukas went out one time looking for a water fountain, but I didn't think it was because of sickness or anything...well, when the PA got everything sewed up and Lukas put his head on my chest on the verge of tears..."Mommy, I feel like I am gonna puke" OKAY, LETS GET Out of here!!!!! Out of the room we went, and in the middle of the hallway, he started gagging....LUKAS, don't you puke in this floor, THE Bathroom is Right HERE!!!!! I put my hand under his mouth, like I could hold it all in there...
He did make it to the bathroom, and after washing his face with cold water, he got some color back...and we took him outside to get some air... he was okay..but he says he DON"T want to be a Dr. Morgan, on the other hand, is all ready to become a surgeon...she loved it!
The PA asked the kids to step out...they wanted to stay and I asked and he said long as they didn't mind being grossed out...I warned the Morgan and Lukas that if they felt any bit sick or woozy, to let me know...I also told them if I said sit down, for them to sit down right in the floor...I was gonna make sure I didn't see any white lips, pale faces, etc. They both did fine...Lukas went out one time looking for a water fountain, but I didn't think it was because of sickness or anything...well, when the PA got everything sewed up and Lukas put his head on my chest on the verge of tears..."Mommy, I feel like I am gonna puke" OKAY, LETS GET Out of here!!!!! Out of the room we went, and in the middle of the hallway, he started gagging....LUKAS, don't you puke in this floor, THE Bathroom is Right HERE!!!!! I put my hand under his mouth, like I could hold it all in there...
He did make it to the bathroom, and after washing his face with cold water, he got some color back...and we took him outside to get some air... he was okay..but he says he DON"T want to be a Dr. Morgan, on the other hand, is all ready to become a surgeon...she loved it!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Just Bloggin...
Oh, what a lovely day!!! This beautiful spring day just makes me want to get outside and enjoy God's what is goin on in my life right now...let's see...Tom and I watched the movie, Mr. Brooks, and even though Kevin Costner is one of my favorite actors, he was the bad guy in that movie...It was really good with ALOT of twists and turns, but it was too scary for me...made me think that I was sharing too much on here and that someone could stalk me and kill me...LOL
I know, I know, I am crazy like that!
Let's see, what else...Oh, I have started reading a Nicholas Sparks book, The Choice, this is the first Sparks book I have read, although his two movies are absolutely awesome! The Notebook and A Walk to Remember...Morgan got into them and has almost read everyone of his cool that she is "into" an author...
Tom bought me an Ipod Shuffle, since the price has went down on them...I LOVE IT!!!! Well, here's why...because I can listen to Podcasts all the time! Mostly what I am listening to is Focus on the Family, Insight for Living and I am gonna get into Shawn Hannity... I love talk radio, so this way, I can choose what and when I listen! It is sooo cool! I love technology!!!!
Okay, enough about me...For a few of you that stop by and I don't know it, leave me a on add comment after the post and you can click on anonymous and leave a comment...That way, I know you have been here!!!! :)
I know, I know, I am crazy like that!
Let's see, what else...Oh, I have started reading a Nicholas Sparks book, The Choice, this is the first Sparks book I have read, although his two movies are absolutely awesome! The Notebook and A Walk to Remember...Morgan got into them and has almost read everyone of his cool that she is "into" an author...
Tom bought me an Ipod Shuffle, since the price has went down on them...I LOVE IT!!!! Well, here's why...because I can listen to Podcasts all the time! Mostly what I am listening to is Focus on the Family, Insight for Living and I am gonna get into Shawn Hannity... I love talk radio, so this way, I can choose what and when I listen! It is sooo cool! I love technology!!!!
Okay, enough about me...For a few of you that stop by and I don't know it, leave me a on add comment after the post and you can click on anonymous and leave a comment...That way, I know you have been here!!!! :)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
From the mouth of Babes...
Had a Kindergartener tell me today that I had long fingernails...another one spoke up, and need to cut them!!!!!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
A New ME...
Okay, so I have to admit it...I am crazy...well, this goes deeper than what you know...I Do have to take Effexor, which is an antidepressant...I don't mind the fact that I need it...I take it and don't deny that if I didn't take it, I would KILL, really, with hatchets...I can't name names on here, because it would be premeditated when I decide to stop my medication...LOL
So, anyway, I got this job at the school, (which I love) back in August...I decided that I didn't need to take as high a dose as I am taking...I mean, no stress, you I dropped back to a lower milligram...I am sailing right along...thru winter, proud that I have made it and actually think I don't need the higher dose...or should I say right here-- highest dose...but then after about January, I start using make up less and less...I realize by the end of Feb. that I haven't bothered to "shape" my fingernails in months...they look awful...can't tell you the last time I painted them. Nothing interests me, so yes, I find that I am downright depressed. I fight it for several weeks, not mentioning it to anyone, but knowing that deep down, I am gonna have to go back on the higher dosage...I want to sleep alot, don't mind if I do stay in bed, you know, those kind of things...oh, I still went to work, to church, etc. because I knew those were places that I had to go...I know, you would think a nurse would have more sense...well, I don't like to take medication just like the next person! and this is ME we are talking about...I mean, aren't mothers supposed to be perfect...handle cool in hot stress...Well, for whatever reason, this is not me and it usually takes me some getting used to the facts about my craziness...
So, I increased my medication and now I feel so much better...yeah, laugh and say, "I told you so"...that's okay... I am just so stubborn, that I have to learn things for myself...I can't take others words for it...I have to have "Proof" that I can't decrease my dosage...and needless to say, I got it...My Doc friend said, "Why you do such things I will never know!!" Well, that is why! I must try all other methods or interventions...I mean, I feel like no one knows me better than myself...right? So, how would anyone else know what dosage I need, except me...
I used a gift certificate from Christmas that I hadn't used to get my nails done, I have re-joined the gym, I am wearing make up again everyday and actually feel good about myself...Tom is even happier...:) Isn't it amazing what a little pill will do for ya!!!! So, I'm better for the time being... and just for keeping are pictures of my nails...I love them...think I will keep them done all the time...

So, anyway, I got this job at the school, (which I love) back in August...I decided that I didn't need to take as high a dose as I am taking...I mean, no stress, you I dropped back to a lower milligram...I am sailing right along...thru winter, proud that I have made it and actually think I don't need the higher dose...or should I say right here-- highest dose...but then after about January, I start using make up less and less...I realize by the end of Feb. that I haven't bothered to "shape" my fingernails in months...they look awful...can't tell you the last time I painted them. Nothing interests me, so yes, I find that I am downright depressed. I fight it for several weeks, not mentioning it to anyone, but knowing that deep down, I am gonna have to go back on the higher dosage...I want to sleep alot, don't mind if I do stay in bed, you know, those kind of things...oh, I still went to work, to church, etc. because I knew those were places that I had to go...I know, you would think a nurse would have more sense...well, I don't like to take medication just like the next person! and this is ME we are talking about...I mean, aren't mothers supposed to be perfect...handle cool in hot stress...Well, for whatever reason, this is not me and it usually takes me some getting used to the facts about my craziness...
So, I increased my medication and now I feel so much better...yeah, laugh and say, "I told you so"...that's okay... I am just so stubborn, that I have to learn things for myself...I can't take others words for it...I have to have "Proof" that I can't decrease my dosage...and needless to say, I got it...My Doc friend said, "Why you do such things I will never know!!" Well, that is why! I must try all other methods or interventions...I mean, I feel like no one knows me better than myself...right? So, how would anyone else know what dosage I need, except me...
I used a gift certificate from Christmas that I hadn't used to get my nails done, I have re-joined the gym, I am wearing make up again everyday and actually feel good about myself...Tom is even happier...:) Isn't it amazing what a little pill will do for ya!!!! So, I'm better for the time being... and just for keeping are pictures of my nails...I love them...think I will keep them done all the time...

Crafty Gals!!!
The Dog...
Yes, the dog has gotten bigger...WAY BIGGER... I have been promising to post pictures of her for a long time...I did finally talk Tom into putting her outside...she is just too big to be in the house..I mean, last night, Tom was over at the stove and Sheba just politely put her paws up on the stove and stood up!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I bought had heart failure!!!! So, anyway, here she is...

Easter 08
I guess it is time for an update, right?? Easter has come and gone and Morgan had a hard day. I think she wanted the hunt to be as exciting as it always was, and it wasn't...cause she is growing up...okay, so she had a fun time coloring eggs, was in a good mood...Tim, Helen and Anthony went to hide Eggs, she was excited...she goes out to she is hunting...

Then, I went to take more pictures of her, after taking some pictures of Jaida and Lukas...and here is what I find...

She is lying on the porch what? Who knows? I really don't think she knows.
I kept asking her and so did everyone else...but all we got was "I'm TIRED!!!" or "I'm MAD!"
She didn't know I took the one day, when she gets about 34 with a daughter that acts just like me and her, I will have to show her!!! LOL Mamaw Chris asked her why she poured out her basket and she replied...."cause I like busting them like this!" and proceeded to bust an egg in her fist. Bless its heart, she is going thru puberty and doesn't feel she has a place in this world right now...NO, BLESS my HEart!!!! I am the one who is gonna be crazy by the time she is grown! I can't help but laugh sometimes, cause it is all so dramatic...of course, Mom keeps telling me it is all coming home to me...!!! ARG!
Then, I went to take more pictures of her, after taking some pictures of Jaida and Lukas...and here is what I find...
I kept asking her and so did everyone else...but all we got was "I'm TIRED!!!" or "I'm MAD!"
She didn't know I took the one day, when she gets about 34 with a daughter that acts just like me and her, I will have to show her!!! LOL Mamaw Chris asked her why she poured out her basket and she replied...."cause I like busting them like this!" and proceeded to bust an egg in her fist. Bless its heart, she is going thru puberty and doesn't feel she has a place in this world right now...NO, BLESS my HEart!!!! I am the one who is gonna be crazy by the time she is grown! I can't help but laugh sometimes, cause it is all so dramatic...of course, Mom keeps telling me it is all coming home to me...!!! ARG!
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