This is my favorite story behind a hymn...This became one of my favorite songs after hearing the story...
The song had its beginnings in Chicago. Horatio G. Spafford was a successful attorney making his way in the rough-and-tumble world of a growing Chicago economy. He was a Christian who had no idea how soon his faith would be tested. In the late 1860's, tragedy struck Mr. Spafford with the death of his son. Then he was devastated by the great Chicago fire of 1871. He had invested heavily in real estate along the shores of Lake Michigan, and his holdings were wiped out by this disaster.
In 1873 Spafford was advised by doctors that his wife needed a change of location due to health problems. At the same time, he had become involved with the evangelistic work of Dwight L. Moody and his partner Ira Sankey. Moody was preaching in England, and Spafford decided to sail over the Atlantic with his family to be of assistance.
A last-minute business emergency arose, and Spafford was forced to send his wife and daughters ahead on schedule. His plan was to join them on another ocean crossing later. But on the fateful day of November 22nd, 1873, the ship his family had boarded was struck by an English ship and sank in 12 minutes. Mrs. Spafford survived, but all four daughters -- Tanetta, Maggie, Annie, and Bessie -- were among the 226 who drowned in the icy waters of the Atlantic. From Cardiff, Wales, his wife Anna sent him the now famous telegram, “Saved alone.”
Who among us can imagine the grief that filled Horatio Spafford's soul when word of the disaster reached him? Perhaps even fewer of us can imagine what it was like for Spafford to board another ship to cross the swirling waters alone, knowing that he would pass right over the watery graves of his four daughters on the way to meet his grieving wife.
But on that ship, the light of faith illuminated the darkness of Spafford's life. Out of the depths of his despair arose the certainty that God was in control, and that he would see his daughters again.
As Spafford's ship passed near the spot where his daughters died, the Holy Spirit inspired him to write the words to this beautiful hymn. They speak to the eternal hope that all believers have, no matter what pain and grief may befall them on earth.
Philip P. Bliss was so impressed with Spafford's text that he very shortly afterward wrote the music for it. The hymn tune is named Villa du Havre after the ship on which Spafford's children perished. Ironically, Bliss himself died in a tragic train wreck shortly after writing this music. He survived the initial impact, but died when he went back into the flames in an unsuccessful attempt to rescue his wife. So this beloved song, which has helped so many, was born in unspeakable pain and grief.
For everyone who has lost a loved one, especially a child, there is no song that has brought more hope than the one Spafford penned while looking out over that endless ocean: “It is Well With My Soul.”
When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
“It is well, it is well with my soul.”
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control:
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And has shed His own blood for my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
Life does not consist mainly--or even largely--of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever blowing through one's head.--Mark Twain =================++++++++++++++++++++================= Sometimes, I wonder just how crazy my mind works...then I wonder if everyone thinks the way I do...They probably do, they are just ashamed to admit here are a few of my thoughts to either make you laugh, cry or just wonder...
Psalms 61;2b
When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Those Manning boys...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I love snow!!! I would love to have a blizzard!!! Because I like to sleigh ride...I like the serenity of going outside and hearing the quietness...seeing the purity of the snow...Heck, I even like snow cream...So, there's nothing much about snow that I don't like...
It snowed on Thursday...I slept late..but the kids went on outside and started playing. Thier Aunt Lacey saw them and came over and joined them...they sleigh rode for about 3-4 hours!!! Here is a few pictures when they were getting out of thier wet clothes.
Can you believe how red her feet are!!!! She has just taken off wet socks and was fixing to step into the house when I took this picture...
It snowed on Thursday...I slept late..but the kids went on outside and started playing. Thier Aunt Lacey saw them and came over and joined them...they sleigh rode for about 3-4 hours!!! Here is a few pictures when they were getting out of thier wet clothes.

Friday, January 18, 2008
Me...A Princess??? Sure...always....of course...
Which Disney Princess Are You? | |
You are Pocahontas. You defy convention and sometimes do what is considered taboo. Unfortunately, others do not always appreciate your differences, so it's good that you are so strong-willed. You are loyal and you believe in fate. Your true love will find you one day. | |
Find Your Character @ |
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Touched/In Memory of H.H.
Ok, so I started a new nursing job...I still have my school job, cause I love it so much...but I started prn at the nursing home...on a 4 hour shift....7p-11p. Usually will be just 2 shifts a week.
I was afraid I was gonna loose my nursing skills and knowledge...I mean, if you don't use it, you loose it, right...and the extra money can't never hurt :D
So, I went to work the other night for the first time...since I had worked there before, I felt like I had been in a coma for awhile and had woke up...It was like everything was so familiar and that I was supposed to know it, but couldn't bring it to the front of my memory...wierd...but I had fun and loved it...
I went into the last room on my medicine round...There was this little debilitated man in the bed...unable to talk, or barely move. I immediately fell in love with him. I checked his chart later and found out he was just on comfort measures...soon to die...anytime...he wasn't even getting any medications...too close to death...
His eyes were open...I held his hand and talked softly to him. He knew I was there...
I frequently went into the room as his room was next door to the nursing station. I talked to him, fixed his cover, and noted how dry his tongue was,so I did mouth care...with lemon glycerin swabs...and cold water..he liked it...his mouth responded to it...Iheld his hand, rubbed his head...I was just touched by this gentleman. There were no family there...I later found out he didn't have any. No children, wife sad!
Upon reading the chart, I noted that he had had a terrible life...His father had beaten his mother and made him and his brother work in the fields by the time they were 5 years old. If they didn't work, he didn't feed them...He got in a fight with his dad for taking up for his mother when his dad was beating her in his teen years and he left home...he went to Japan in the war...and stated how he had to do some really terrible things there that he could not forget....he described himself as a bitter, angry man. That was not the man I saw lying in the bed. The skinny debilitated frame had a gentle face. I would like to know what kind of relationship he and his wife had had. Why did they not have children? Was he afraid of how he would treat them? How did he treat his wife...was he a great loving husband because of the way he had seen his father treat his mother? His wife died in the 80's and he had no one to take care of him since then. He obviously was still in good health at that time, because the record stated he had taken care of her when she had cancer. Was it after she died that he became a bitter angry man?? Tom said I would have really liked him, cause he had been at the nursing home for a couple of years. He had to come there because he had no one to take care of him.
Okay, so to get along with my I was sitting on the couch with Tom the next afternoon,I mentioned him to Tom and how I was concerned about his care...Tom reponded with:
It doesn't matter now...
What do you mean?
He's dead...
Well, I know he is going to die anytime...but...
No, I mean..he died last night...
This totally floored me...I was looking forward to going back in there and babying him some...something he probably hadn't ever know...
I dreamed about him last night...that I was feeding him corn flakes with big red stawberries in it...and you know what else...who even cares that he died...
so I guess by blogging here...he will never be forgotten...remebered by me...
I was afraid I was gonna loose my nursing skills and knowledge...I mean, if you don't use it, you loose it, right...and the extra money can't never hurt :D
So, I went to work the other night for the first time...since I had worked there before, I felt like I had been in a coma for awhile and had woke up...It was like everything was so familiar and that I was supposed to know it, but couldn't bring it to the front of my memory...wierd...but I had fun and loved it...
I went into the last room on my medicine round...There was this little debilitated man in the bed...unable to talk, or barely move. I immediately fell in love with him. I checked his chart later and found out he was just on comfort measures...soon to die...anytime...he wasn't even getting any medications...too close to death...
His eyes were open...I held his hand and talked softly to him. He knew I was there...
I frequently went into the room as his room was next door to the nursing station. I talked to him, fixed his cover, and noted how dry his tongue was,so I did mouth care...with lemon glycerin swabs...and cold water..he liked it...his mouth responded to it...Iheld his hand, rubbed his head...I was just touched by this gentleman. There were no family there...I later found out he didn't have any. No children, wife sad!
Upon reading the chart, I noted that he had had a terrible life...His father had beaten his mother and made him and his brother work in the fields by the time they were 5 years old. If they didn't work, he didn't feed them...He got in a fight with his dad for taking up for his mother when his dad was beating her in his teen years and he left home...he went to Japan in the war...and stated how he had to do some really terrible things there that he could not forget....he described himself as a bitter, angry man. That was not the man I saw lying in the bed. The skinny debilitated frame had a gentle face. I would like to know what kind of relationship he and his wife had had. Why did they not have children? Was he afraid of how he would treat them? How did he treat his wife...was he a great loving husband because of the way he had seen his father treat his mother? His wife died in the 80's and he had no one to take care of him since then. He obviously was still in good health at that time, because the record stated he had taken care of her when she had cancer. Was it after she died that he became a bitter angry man?? Tom said I would have really liked him, cause he had been at the nursing home for a couple of years. He had to come there because he had no one to take care of him.
Okay, so to get along with my I was sitting on the couch with Tom the next afternoon,I mentioned him to Tom and how I was concerned about his care...Tom reponded with:
It doesn't matter now...
What do you mean?
He's dead...
Well, I know he is going to die anytime...but...
No, I mean..he died last night...
This totally floored me...I was looking forward to going back in there and babying him some...something he probably hadn't ever know...
I dreamed about him last night...that I was feeding him corn flakes with big red stawberries in it...and you know what else...who even cares that he died...
so I guess by blogging here...he will never be forgotten...remebered by me...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Another Funny...
I remember going to a Kindergarten class to teach about germs, safety, etc. One little boy raised his hand and said..." When you die, yor brains fall out" !
It was just too cute not to share...whatever gave the child this idea...?
It was just too cute not to share...whatever gave the child this idea...?
My two scanned scrapping layouts..
I know I need to post more layouts...I don't have a scanner that is easily accessible to me, so therefore, I don't take the time to actually take a picture of them...maybe I will start...anyway, here is two layouts I done at least a year ago....

This is Lukas one day that Tom and I took him and Morgan to the park to play. This is one of my favorite pictures...

This one was taken outside of Morgan's school one day while we were waiting on her...

This is Lukas one day that Tom and I took him and Morgan to the park to play. This is one of my favorite pictures...

This one was taken outside of Morgan's school one day while we were waiting on her...
I went to my prayer group the other night and coming to know God was mentioned...I realized that I didn't have my experience written down anywhere for anyone to read...not that it matters...just that when God does something for me, I like to tell it...and this was MaJOR!!! He saved me! With the evil person that I am, I couldn't even imagine what kind of person I would have been...if it had not happened at such an early age.
Ok, so I was 4 and a half years old... I don't remember the prayer I prayed, or even who preached that night at church...what I do remember is being very scared...
I can remember sitting on the front bench at church...beside a young lady. It was time for fellowship since my feet didn't touch the floor, I was gonna have to "hop" down off the bench. I remember looking at the floor...and seeing fire...not really fire, but feeling like it was Hell I was jumping off into...I wouldn't get down. No one was paying attention to me. I was scared...I could not bring myself to jump down..cause I might go to hell...
So, I got the attention of a friend who was probably about 6 years old...told her to go get the pastor's wife...So when she did, I told her I felt like I was gonna go to hell...I don't think I told her about the fire...So, of course, with her there with me, I jumped down and went to the alter. I remember the people of the church gathering around me to pray. I could hear a man named Kenny telling me to get up, that I just had to get up and God would save me...I remember thinking while I was there that I wish he would just go away. Leave me alone to pray. I could hear Mom talking to me, but I don't remember what...I just knew she was behind me knelt down on my left side...Daddy was on my right side beside Mom...I think he was actually standing. Like I said, I don't remember what I prayed exactly, but I know I did...I also remember picturing the cross scene in my mind at the prompting of someone...Then, it was like there was no conscious decision to get up, I just got up...Just got right up...seemed like I had no reason to stay down. I knew God had saved me. I was crying and turned around to Mom...she was laughing...Now I know it was a happy laugh with some tears mixed in...but a 4 year olds mind can't hardly comprehend this...I thought she was laughing and making fun of me. I remember feeling mad at her. I just couldn't imagine why she would be laughing...but I let it pass...I was wanting to hug everyone else. I remember being happy all the way home, and even that night when I got home, I remember still being so happy on the inside.
I later learned that Mom had recorded the day that I got saved was May 25, 1978.
Well, this has been a good experience to sit and think about the details...Maybe you could share...
Ok, so I was 4 and a half years old... I don't remember the prayer I prayed, or even who preached that night at church...what I do remember is being very scared...
I can remember sitting on the front bench at church...beside a young lady. It was time for fellowship since my feet didn't touch the floor, I was gonna have to "hop" down off the bench. I remember looking at the floor...and seeing fire...not really fire, but feeling like it was Hell I was jumping off into...I wouldn't get down. No one was paying attention to me. I was scared...I could not bring myself to jump down..cause I might go to hell...
So, I got the attention of a friend who was probably about 6 years old...told her to go get the pastor's wife...So when she did, I told her I felt like I was gonna go to hell...I don't think I told her about the fire...So, of course, with her there with me, I jumped down and went to the alter. I remember the people of the church gathering around me to pray. I could hear a man named Kenny telling me to get up, that I just had to get up and God would save me...I remember thinking while I was there that I wish he would just go away. Leave me alone to pray. I could hear Mom talking to me, but I don't remember what...I just knew she was behind me knelt down on my left side...Daddy was on my right side beside Mom...I think he was actually standing. Like I said, I don't remember what I prayed exactly, but I know I did...I also remember picturing the cross scene in my mind at the prompting of someone...Then, it was like there was no conscious decision to get up, I just got up...Just got right up...seemed like I had no reason to stay down. I knew God had saved me. I was crying and turned around to Mom...she was laughing...Now I know it was a happy laugh with some tears mixed in...but a 4 year olds mind can't hardly comprehend this...I thought she was laughing and making fun of me. I remember feeling mad at her. I just couldn't imagine why she would be laughing...but I let it pass...I was wanting to hug everyone else. I remember being happy all the way home, and even that night when I got home, I remember still being so happy on the inside.
I later learned that Mom had recorded the day that I got saved was May 25, 1978.
Well, this has been a good experience to sit and think about the details...Maybe you could share...
Monday, January 14, 2008
Funny stuff...
I was laughing at something I read online and wanted to start sharing the incidents that are quite humorous in my here goes funny story number 1.
As you know, I worked in a nursing home and God love thier hearts, when they are crazy, they are soo funny! You just can't be hateful and work there, cause some Alzheimer's patient will totally crack you up...Well, I want to introduce to you a Sunday School teacher...a lady who was very respected in the community...when she got old, she started cussing better than any sailor...using God D__ and Hell and SH-- and A-S...well, needless to say, this embarrassed her husband to death. She would even get violent sometimes, just cussing you up one side and down the, mind you, her voice was very high pitched and keen... so you could hear her all over the wing. One day,she was cussing and mad and a male nurse, whom I won't mention the name of (T-m) hid behind her curtain...started calling her name in a deep voice...acting like God. She said "who is it..."
"this is God"
"Where are you?"
"Quit that cussing"
"What" as she shrinks down as if KNOWING she is doing "wrong" too funny...
The conversation continues till she gets mad and starts cussing much for trying to teach her a lesson...
This same little lady walked out into the hallway with her hospital gown on backwards, naked underneath, and stops in the middle and looks down and says...god da__ my kidneys have hair on them"
I still laugh about that!!!!
As you know, I worked in a nursing home and God love thier hearts, when they are crazy, they are soo funny! You just can't be hateful and work there, cause some Alzheimer's patient will totally crack you up...Well, I want to introduce to you a Sunday School teacher...a lady who was very respected in the community...when she got old, she started cussing better than any sailor...using God D__ and Hell and SH-- and A-S...well, needless to say, this embarrassed her husband to death. She would even get violent sometimes, just cussing you up one side and down the, mind you, her voice was very high pitched and keen... so you could hear her all over the wing. One day,she was cussing and mad and a male nurse, whom I won't mention the name of (T-m) hid behind her curtain...started calling her name in a deep voice...acting like God. She said "who is it..."
"this is God"
"Where are you?"
"Quit that cussing"
"What" as she shrinks down as if KNOWING she is doing "wrong" too funny...
The conversation continues till she gets mad and starts cussing much for trying to teach her a lesson...
This same little lady walked out into the hallway with her hospital gown on backwards, naked underneath, and stops in the middle and looks down and says...god da__ my kidneys have hair on them"
I still laugh about that!!!!
I got to teach the 2nd Grade from a new program called Little D's Nutrition Expedition.
It was so fun...I got to read a story to them and they got to act it out...I will actually be teaching from this for the rest of the year. I am excited about it!
Tom is sick and hateful. :D He and I had the afternoon to ourselves as the children went with Andrea and Bobby. We ate at Outback and then went to the motel to rest. The revival broke and with him being sick, he needed the rest.
Then the kids were worn tee-totally out last night, so I put them straight to bed.
I often wonder what goes on in their minds...One night when I put Lukas to bed, he hugged me tight and said "Mom, don't ever die' I said, Honey, Mommy isn't going to die and if I do, God will help you thru it...
Several people commented on how pretty Morgan looked today at church. She is growing up so much...will post a recent picture of her soon. Oh my gosh, and she aCTS just like me!!!! She is a little flirt...not that I am or anything...she is outspoken...likes to pick on people...oh my gosh, she is so much like me...!!!!! I DO have problems!!!
It was so fun...I got to read a story to them and they got to act it out...I will actually be teaching from this for the rest of the year. I am excited about it!
Tom is sick and hateful. :D He and I had the afternoon to ourselves as the children went with Andrea and Bobby. We ate at Outback and then went to the motel to rest. The revival broke and with him being sick, he needed the rest.
Then the kids were worn tee-totally out last night, so I put them straight to bed.
I often wonder what goes on in their minds...One night when I put Lukas to bed, he hugged me tight and said "Mom, don't ever die' I said, Honey, Mommy isn't going to die and if I do, God will help you thru it...
Several people commented on how pretty Morgan looked today at church. She is growing up so much...will post a recent picture of her soon. Oh my gosh, and she aCTS just like me!!!! She is a little flirt...not that I am or anything...she is outspoken...likes to pick on people...oh my gosh, she is so much like me...!!!!! I DO have problems!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
This week and Vet Visit
WEll, so much for wanting to post every day...!!! LOL, I knew I wouldn't get to do it! But anyway, here I am on a Sat night, the kids have went to a friends house for the night, Tom is in the bed, I am sitting here by the fireplace with a good warm blanket on my legs and just being peaceful!! I love time alone!
Let's see...I did have a horrible migraine headache on Wed.and Thursday Tom is in revival and I didn't get to go on these two nights. I didn't work on Wednesday cause I couldn't lift my head off the pillow.
My thoughts for this week...1) Who am I gonna vote for in the upcoming election?? I have been trying to catch the news and talk radio on the nominees... 2) Who am I to judge other people...I can compare my spiritual life to others and get the idea that I am better than them...but then I compare myself to God and all I can say is "Woe is me"...that was actually a devotional from one day last week, that won't leave my mind...taken from Isaiah 6;5 3)The dog is growing...Thank God for that...Let me explain: Last week, we took her to the vet and the vet is very surprised at how little she was...something is definitely wrong, she says...Morgan immediately tears up... so it turns out, the dog weighs only 6 pounds. She is 3 months old and should weigh around 25-30 pounds. She does bring out her English Mastiff from the back room and he is 5 months and he comes above my knee...huge!!! Obviously she has a major heart murmur...the vet suggests we call the breeder and get her sent back. Well, I know that one thing my family can't bear is to loose two dogs in one month!!! Morgan is crying on me and fortunately, I didn't have Luke with me. We agree to go ahead and give her her immunizations, worm medications, etc...and we pray. Morgan and I just pray, right there in the vet's office. Cause we know God can handle the doggie's illness too...cause He said he would supply our wants...and he is The Comforter...When I do get to tell Luke, he crys also...but not much, cause we tell him we are going to pray. Tom agreed to prayer is the answer. Well, we took her home, gave her the medication and her diarrhea stopped and she started growing...within one week, she has gained at least 3 lbs...I promise to post a picture of her soon.
Let's see...I did have a horrible migraine headache on Wed.and Thursday Tom is in revival and I didn't get to go on these two nights. I didn't work on Wednesday cause I couldn't lift my head off the pillow.
My thoughts for this week...1) Who am I gonna vote for in the upcoming election?? I have been trying to catch the news and talk radio on the nominees... 2) Who am I to judge other people...I can compare my spiritual life to others and get the idea that I am better than them...but then I compare myself to God and all I can say is "Woe is me"...that was actually a devotional from one day last week, that won't leave my mind...taken from Isaiah 6;5 3)The dog is growing...Thank God for that...Let me explain: Last week, we took her to the vet and the vet is very surprised at how little she was...something is definitely wrong, she says...Morgan immediately tears up... so it turns out, the dog weighs only 6 pounds. She is 3 months old and should weigh around 25-30 pounds. She does bring out her English Mastiff from the back room and he is 5 months and he comes above my knee...huge!!! Obviously she has a major heart murmur...the vet suggests we call the breeder and get her sent back. Well, I know that one thing my family can't bear is to loose two dogs in one month!!! Morgan is crying on me and fortunately, I didn't have Luke with me. We agree to go ahead and give her her immunizations, worm medications, etc...and we pray. Morgan and I just pray, right there in the vet's office. Cause we know God can handle the doggie's illness too...cause He said he would supply our wants...and he is The Comforter...When I do get to tell Luke, he crys also...but not much, cause we tell him we are going to pray. Tom agreed to prayer is the answer. Well, we took her home, gave her the medication and her diarrhea stopped and she started growing...within one week, she has gained at least 3 lbs...I promise to post a picture of her soon.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy Day...
Happy New Years Day! I have not made any new years resolutions...why? because I am weak. I can't keep I am not going to make any so I don't have to break any...but who am I kidding, I have at least thought about what I would make IF I was making here goes...just a few that I have thought about....
1. To blog more...why? just to satisfy my need for journaling...writing, I like...not that anyone would read it...but who cares..I like to think someone will laugh when they read it...or at least think about how weird I am...
2. To read my Bible more...Our "40" Bible study group has started a study called Experiencing I am looking forward to that. I want to get to know get closer to him, to actually feel him at all study His Word. I am such a sorry Christian, though...
3. To Memorize KJV scriptures. My Sunday School class that I teach is having to memorize some scriptures for the youth conference in I want to do it with them...I feel like if you memorize the scriptures, they are there in your mind when you need to refer to them...does that make sense?
4. To be a better Mom and Wife...I take pride in my children...they are wonderful, good kids...I'm not such a great wife. So, I need to get better...
5. To read some Classics...I just got finished reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen...I didn't read the classics when I was in school and since my office is in the library at school, I have access to I want to read others...
6. To take more pictures...this is my passion...I need SOOO much more practice...
7. To exercise riding is something I really love...BUT, I hate cold weather...!LOL
That is all I have thought about...but not resolutions...LOL
1. To blog more...why? just to satisfy my need for journaling...writing, I like...not that anyone would read it...but who cares..I like to think someone will laugh when they read it...or at least think about how weird I am...
2. To read my Bible more...Our "40" Bible study group has started a study called Experiencing I am looking forward to that. I want to get to know get closer to him, to actually feel him at all study His Word. I am such a sorry Christian, though...
3. To Memorize KJV scriptures. My Sunday School class that I teach is having to memorize some scriptures for the youth conference in I want to do it with them...I feel like if you memorize the scriptures, they are there in your mind when you need to refer to them...does that make sense?
4. To be a better Mom and Wife...I take pride in my children...they are wonderful, good kids...I'm not such a great wife. So, I need to get better...
5. To read some Classics...I just got finished reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen...I didn't read the classics when I was in school and since my office is in the library at school, I have access to I want to read others...
6. To take more pictures...this is my passion...I need SOOO much more practice...
7. To exercise riding is something I really love...BUT, I hate cold weather...!LOL
That is all I have thought about...but not resolutions...LOL
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