Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lukas in himself...

I got to spend the day with Lukas today...We had an awesome time, just Mommy and son time...We had to take Morgan to WSCC to tag class after the bus driver left earlier than the expected time (and I am a minute late person...) but anyway, as we left WSCC, I saw IHOP and since we had neither eaten, we decided to stop...(keep in mind, I had just ran a comb thru my hair, no makeup, a sweatshirt w/o a brassiere...) but fortunately I didn't see anyone we knew...LOL...We played all the games on his menu sheet and just talked about nothing in we sat there, and I was watching him eat, I wondered how he became such a different person from me.   Morgan is like me...even down to our tastes...I see myself in her everyday...but Lukas...who is he like? Tom? I really don't see it...Everywhere he goes, people LOVE him.  I get comments from his teacher all the time about how he helps everyone in the class if they don't understand, he smiles and talks to the mentally challenged little girl in a wheelchair that sits beside him even though she can't communicate back...
I started thinking of these things when he ordered eggs.  Over, how did he know how to order eggs like this...and where did he learn this from...and WHY does he even like them like that??? I don't like them like that...I never cook them like that...yes, Tom likes these, but only gets them when he orders eggs at a restaurant...and I can't even tell you the last time we have all ate breakfast together...
I notice things that he likes that either Tom nor I like...not necessarily just foods...I notice that he likes math and begs me to quiz him.  He mentions numbers in his conversations, all the time adding or is an exert from an email from his teacher this year...
He is doing such a good job at school.  Too often, individuals are quick to point out the negatives and not give praise when/where needed. I have been guilty of not passing along the praise of Lukas to you.  He is such a caring and loving child.  We have several students in our room that struggle academically, and he is so quick to give the students praise.  Peer identification/acknowledgement is a positive motivation, and he is so good at it.
Academically and socially, Lukas is a positive role model and I attribute it to his home environment.  He definitely has been taught the virtues of a caring person.
you know what is funny, I don't recall teaching him the virtues of a caring person...It makes me so proud of the person he is growing himself.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Thoughts from today...

WEll, this morning, we didn't have church...I had a very relaxing last night and today...basically just catching up on some reading and organizing in my scrap room. Tom stayed in our room most of the day just watching sports, and since Lukas was gone to a friend's, I stayed up in his room, which is my favorite room in the house...(a whole other blog story)...just reading and catching up...I even ended up sleeping up there last night. I just love being alone sometimes...
I have also spent the day praying for Morgan...I am not sure what I am gonna do with her...She is obviously hormonal and she is crying every day....I don't know what to tell her anymore... she says she hates school and her friends all hate her..I have counseled her on her friendships so much and how to "be a friend" that I am at a loss...oh, my gosh, that means this all is just starting...After talking to my mother about the situation, she said something that I never had a clue about..."Sherry if you only knew all the times you left here in the mornings and I would spend so much time on my knees praying for you and crying out to God to help you." Man, that hit home..cause I know that all day Friday, I just could barely contain my emotions at work as I prayed for her over and over again. Mom also said she wouldn't want to live thru another teenagers years for anything...!!! Thanks Mom!!!
Morgan did come home on Friday and tell me that she had wrote a letter to a friend and that things were working out...
Funny thing is, I don't think Tom even has a clue what Morgan is really going thru..he just either totally ignores her or tells her to get her mind off of it...easier said than done, right?