Psalms 61;2b

When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas Tradition

I am a stickler for  keeping tradition...I do not like change and want things to stay the same always.  My Christmas holidays were the same ever since I can remember until about 7-8 years ago.  We waited all day in anticipation on Christmas Eve.  Then at around 4pm, Dad would get home from work and we would all gather around after supper and open presents from family.  Then, later than evening, we would all go to Aunt Polly's and Uncle Ken's house.  This was the first place I ever remember having peanut butter fudge...(When they lived in the trailer where Tammy is now)  Well, anyway, I loved to go there cause all his grandchildren were there and we got to play and laugh and eat finger foods.  I always looked forward to the food!! LOL
Then on Christmas Morning, we usually got up to put on our new duds to go to Sneedville.  This was also one of my best memories, although, we usually didn't get any presents here, (a body would go bankrupt buying for that many grandchildren) it was still just something we did on Christmas day. That was my routine...I wanted it to stay that way forever.  I wanted to raise my kids doing that!!!!
But....unfortunately, Time has a way of changing things and we all grow up and have inlaws and have to spend time with them too... so as Morgan was born,along with the rest of the cousins kids, most of that changed. Now, we never know where we are gonna be till usually the week before Christmas, cause everyone has work schedules (cause in mine and Tom's family, there are 5 nurses) and inlaws to schedule around.
I did tell Tom, last year when  Christmas Day fell on Sunday, that we should always have a morning service, no matter what day it fell on...It was so special to worship the King on the day we celebrate his birth. I am glad we have Christmas Eve on Sunday this year.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Lukas is Seven!!!

I can't believe my baby has turned seven years old!!! Instead of a traditional birthday party, he chose to go to the Rodeo with one of his friends.  Of course the Bullriding was his favorite!!! He also got to talk to a bull rider whose name was Justin Walson...(I only put his name here, in case one day he may be famous!) and Lukas asked him if he had ever rode the PBR retired bull named Yellow Jacket...Justin's reply was, "No, but I would love to ride his sons..." Lukas says, "What about Mossy Oak MudSlinger??"  No was Justin's reply...It was soo cute to see Lukas talking to him and you could tell he was bursting with pride to be able to talk "the talk" with a real bullrider...I did get to video his anyway, Lukas ended up having a great birthday experience and I just am in shock that he is SEVEN years old!!! My, how time does fly!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Getting to know me better

How do you take your coffee/tea? 
Coffee, when I take it, has to have a rich amaretta or french vanilla creamer.
Tea--Pal's tea...about the only one I get a craving for, oh and Olive Garden's Rasberry Tea.
How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled with milk and cheese and lots of salt and pepper.
Favorite breakfast foods:
all breakfast foods are my favorite!!! This is my favorite meal of the day.
Coke or Pepsi?
Coca-Cola!!! The REAL THING!
You're feeling lazy. What do you make?
Tomato soup or baked potato and salad.
You're feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?
Tom eats extra pepp, extra cheese
Me and the kids eat pepp, sausage, xtra cheese
You feel like cooking. What do you make?
Usually mexican...We all love it...gorditas, jalepeno crispy fried potatoes, mexican bean dip, tortilla chips
Do any foods bring back good memories?
Yes. Lets see...well, when I was in 3rd grade, there was a buzz going around that we were having TACOS for lunch...I didn't know what tacos were, cause I was raised on country home foods.  I didn't like them that day and refused to eat mexican till after I got married, now I am in love with it!!!
Do any foods bring back bad memories?
Got sick on Chicken Noodle soup one time...can't hardly eat it...
Then there was the time my aunt brought groundhog to the family reunion for a meat dish!!!!
Do any foods remind you of someone?
My mom's slaw is the best...She got the recipe from my grandmother and it is usually the only slaw I will eat.
And Julie's Butterhorns.
Is there a food you refuse to eat?
Liver...raw seafood--shrimp, oysters--yuk!
What was your favorite food as a child?
Is there a food you hated as a child but now love?
ALOT!!! I used to hate I can eat a red onion almost alone!!! Cottage Cheese--I had never tasted it, but didn't think I liked it..then one day about 10 years ago, i tried it...
Is there a food you loved as a child but now hate?
I can't really think of any...
Favorite junk food: Oreo cookies with a glass of milk
Favorite dessert: anything chocolate
The perfect nightcap? Glass of cold ice water.
Do you have any weird food habits? A few...but nothing really outrageous.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Today...5 years ago

Today....5 years ago... I was working and not really focusing on the tasks at hand when I called CVS. ( I was working at Dr. V's office in town.) Cassandra asked me if I had heard, to which I replied, no. When she proceeded to tell me, it wasn't a big lifechanger. But as the second plane hit, I got a sick feeling. I remember hearing the news throughout the morning and hearing of fires here and planes there in different parts of the U.S., and I felt usafe. I wanted to be home. What was Morgan feeling. She had not long ago started kindergarten. I needed her here with me so I could protect her. Lukas was home with mamaw Chris. What was this wierd feeling of wanting the safety of my home walls? Later I heard, on Paul Harvey, that this is a feeling of "homing" I think is what he called it. Even later, songs were published about the feeling. At least I was normal for once. When I got home that afternoon, I was so relieved to see Morgan, but very upset when I learned that Tim had taken Lukas to Walmart with him. Didn't he know how bad I had wanted to wrap my kids in my arms and hold them and promise them that nothing could ever hurt them??

That evening, Mom and Dad came to watch a video that my uncle had taped of the first few hours of television coverage, since we were all at work, we hadn't saw much of the actual happenings. I didn't sleep well that night...

I never shed visual tears, but my heart cried many times during that time and has cried many times since then... in fear of a nation who has left God.

So today, as I look back, I want to remember the love I felt for my fellow americans after the fact. On that day, we all shared a common bond... our hearts were aching... our minds were scared. I want to remember how I prayed to God and heard the whole nation praying also. Never in all my years, had I heard praying and prayer mentioned so much. I want to remember to Thank GOD everyday for my freedom and safety. I also question alot as I look back. Where did all those feelings go? Why did I get upset at the redlight this morning and blow several times? We all slip away from God and the reality that we need him to get us thru each day.

Just a lazy day in the summertime

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Monday, August 28, 2006

Back and Lukas sickness

Hello, been away for awhile and wanted to get back in the habit. Today, I spent time with Lukas as he was sick. We took him to the Dr. and he ended up with Strep throat. He wasn't too happy about the antibiotic being in liquid form. Since he is able to swallow a pill, he hates the liquids. When the kids are sick, there is something inside of me that is twisting and turning, causing me to hurt. I want to be sick in thier place so bad! The funny thing about this is, that when I was young, I remember my mother saying the same thing to she wished she was sick instead of me. I never really wished sickness on myself and had never felt this feeling till I had children and then, well, I know exactly how mother felt. I hate them being sick!!!!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

One Word

Today at work, we were taking a poll....If you had one word to describe you, what
would it be? So I have thought and thought...
Yes, I have a crazy side, but I also have a serious side...
Fun, but I can also be a stern "no kidding" type.
I like to laugh. I also like to cry sometimes, cause it cleanses my soul.
I can also be sincere, but on the other hand, I always try to see the humor
in things.
I like to be alone, with no one around...quite and peaceful; but sometimes
I like loud music and loud volumes of voices, noises, etc. I do have to be in
the mood to party.

Several people at work quickly offered thier opinion. Among them were
haughty, brassy, fun-loving,flirty, bubbly.
I don't agree with all of these...Haughty??? Well, maybe I am...or maybe
I am just very confident in who I am ...Brassy??? Well, I DO like to be
noticed, whethere it is what I have on or how I smell or just a look from someone
that lets me know they did notice. But is that brassy???
Fun loving...I really don't see how...HA! I can be fun, but I do not classify
myself as easy to love in a friendship or by a lover. I frequently put up
a wall to keep others out. My children are probably the only ones to say
that they can love and be loved by me unconditionally. Hmmm..that's strange...
I have never noticed or thought about that to myself. Why do I build a wall between
me and and Tom or me and friends?
FLirty...well, I won't comment much on this one. I call it friendly, not shy, or bubbly.
Flirty is being seductive, or sultry.
So one word...that turns into several words which quickly turn into
a paragragh that describes me...

So which one best describes me? I am not sure,I will have to give it much more thought. I AM WAY TOO COMPLICATED!!!!!